Essential dimension article named Editor’s Choice

My recent article Essential dimension of algebraic groups, including bad characteristic with Bob Guralnick was named an “Editor’s Choice“. As a consequence, it will be available free open access on the journal website for the next year. Here’s the abstract: We give upper bounds on the essential dimension of (quasi-) simple algebraic groups over an…

E8 survey to appear in Bulletin of the AMS

My survey E8, the most exceptional group will appear in an upcoming issue of Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. It talks about the history and recent results on E8, focusing on the algebraic perspective of Lie algebras, Lie groups, and algebraic groups. You can read the article here or get an inkling of some the…

Volume in honor of Alexander Merkurjev

Happy 60th birthday to Alexander Merkurjev! A special volume of Documenta Mathematica in honor of the occasion has just been published. I have known Sasha for my whole career and he was my mentor during my UCLA postdoc. I am delighted to have been an editor for this volume in his honor. If you order…

“Shells” paper to appear in Duke

My paper Shells of twisted flag varieties and the Rost invariant, joint with Victor Petrov and Nikita Semenov, will appear in Duke Mathematical Journal.  We introduce new techniques for studying the Krull-Schmidt decomposition of mod p Chow motives of projective homogeneous varieties, by generalizing Vishik’s notion of shells on quadrics to arbitrary projective homogeneous varieties.  We then apply our techniques…

“Birthday problem” paper to appear in Random Structures & Algorithms

My paper Asymptotic distribution for the birthday problem with multiple coincidences, via an embedding of the collision process, joint with Richard Arratia (a probabilist) and Joe Kilian (a computer scientist), will appear in the journal Random Structures & Algorithms. It contains several new results on the birthday problem: how many people do you need to have c birthdays in…