Lottery spending analysis paper published

My paper Lottery-spending: a non-parametric analysis has appeared. This was written jointly with undergrads Kayla Frisoli, Li Ke, and Melody Lim, and describes the results of a project we did last spring. The problem is to understand those people who spend a lot on lottery tickets and how much they actually spend. We made use…

Hernando Bermudez joins Microsoft

Congratulations to Hernando Bermudez, who has started work at Microsoft in Bellevue, Washington!  Hernando received his PhD in mathematics and a master’s in computer science from Emory in August 2014, along the way writing three papers: Linear preservers and representations with 1-dimensional ring of invariants (preprint) (journal), with Victor Larsen and me, Transactions of the AMS 366 #9 (2014), 4755-4780…